By nic - 01/04/2009 20:06 - United States

Today, for April fools I decided to set off the smoke detectors in my friend's apartment while he was sleeping and saran wrap the outside of his bedroom doorway so he would smack into it. Instead, he jumped out the window and broke his leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 740
You deserved it 120 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idk whether to say your friends a moron, or you are.

DaftPyramid 0

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Epic fail on the parts of both people involved.

Today, for April fools my friend decided to set off my smoke detectors after he seran wrapped my door hoping I'd run into it. Instead I awoke to the alarm, freaked out and jumped out the window. I now have a broken leg. FML

You are an ass dude, I hope he takes your ass to court.

really? it was a harmless prank, jumping out a window is stupid is almost any situation. aint ops fault

lamo #9. i agree with #6. if i did that for every time a fire alarm went off (which it does all the time because its old as shit) i would be jumping out of a 4 story building once a month. way to go friend.

... Man, I would hate you till the end of the earth if you did that to me. o____o (Hahahaha at #8) But yeah... extreme on his part to jump out a window without checking for a real fire/alternative exit... and stupid on your part for playing with a goddamn safety alarm!

@ #10: How did his friend overreact? Anyone who hears the fire detector go off would try to get out in any way possible. In one's mind, it's better to suffer a broken leg from what one could only assume was a fire instead of dying, right? So jump out the window. Idiocy was entirely on the OP's part.

Whenever I hear the fire detector go off in my house, I ignore it and keep doing whatever I was doing. 9 out of 10 times it's my dad cooking supper.

but chances are you know dinner is being cooked and so you know it's a false alarm. However, if the alarm goes off in the middle of the night, it's probably real and safer to get out of the house rather than check.

Why on earth would you jump out a window when the smoke detector goes off? HE deserved it for being so stupid...

the person that jumped put of the window is an idiot

thats a really mean prank completely agree with #1 and #8 and #9 thats funny