By upset mom - 24/04/2019 04:00

Today, during a meeting, the president of the honor society apologized for being out for a couple of days due to the flu, and wanted to get everything back on track. I mumbled that she hadn't shown good leadership by being out. I guess she heard me, because she said, “Neither does being a teen mom.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 617
You deserved it 6 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you're sick, you're sick. Sick people are unproductive and spread their sickness to everyone else, hurting company productivity even more. Staying home is the only responsible thing to do and you sound like a clueless asshat.

It's not good leadership to come in sick, potentially spreading the flu to everyone.


It's not good leadership to come in sick, potentially spreading the flu to everyone.

When you're sick, you're sick. Sick people are unproductive and spread their sickness to everyone else, hurting company productivity even more. Staying home is the only responsible thing to do and you sound like a clueless asshat.

westoz 24

I bet the next time you get struck with the flu and your boss won’t let you go home you’ll write an FML about that, fishing for sympathy. The president had a brilliant comeback. This is a YDI for sure.

manb91uk 22

Yeah, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... Next time, run what you want to say through your thinking parts a few times before letting it out of your talking hole...

Nhayaa 21

In french we say "turn your tongue 7 times in your mouth before you speak". Is there something similar in english? For my vocabulary ^^

TxKitten79 10

I am not sure if there is (not my first language iether), but there is a wonderful quote by Abraham Lincoln: "Better to keep your mouth shut and have everyone think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt". One of my favourite quotes of all time.

Nhayaa 21

@Iamthebanzai22 Very nice one indeed ! I keep it in mind ^^ There's a funny one we have, not sure where it's from but it's something like this : "That's because light travel faster than sound that some people seem brilliant before they sound dumb" (great news "brilliant" means both in french and english !)

I think the closest we have an America to an official phrase is, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

Not the same meaning. I think the closest is just ‘think before you speak.’

IrieStorm 9

I'd say it's worse to potentially get everyone else sick.

colderthanyou 15

So you’d rather get the flu rather than her stay home and get better? How unfortunate.

How did you ever make it to an honours program if you spell ether instead of either, let alone neither, which would have been appropriate in this sentence? It can’t have been your fantastic people skills.

Workers deserve time off when sick, and that's not a bad thing. I get caring for one's job, but this idea of putting work above all else will always baffle me.

skyguy592 15

Sounds like some pretty good leadership to me...