By upset mom - 24/04/2019 04:00

Today, during a meeting, the president of the honor society apologized for being out for a couple of days due to the flu, and wanted to get everything back on track. I mumbled that she hadn't shown good leadership by being out. I guess she heard me, because she said, “Neither does being a teen mom.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 617
You deserved it 6 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you're sick, you're sick. Sick people are unproductive and spread their sickness to everyone else, hurting company productivity even more. Staying home is the only responsible thing to do and you sound like a clueless asshat.

It's not good leadership to come in sick, potentially spreading the flu to everyone.


It would have shown worse leadership for her to come in when ill and infect other people, especially since people can have impaired immune systems without other people knowing.

Well, she's not wrong. And really, she did the right thing by NOT going to work with the flu because she could have spread it to every single other person in the vicinity, including you. Tell me, what does shoe taste like, because you certainly inserted your foot when you opened your mouth on that one.

YaRight 5

Shouldn’t have been talking shit

Sg-1NJ 3

i hope you get the flu and then people talk shit on you for not coming in lol

edwardcullenisme 6

That’s what you get for being a dick when someone’s sick.

randybryant799 20

She had the flu. What is your problem???