By Anonymous - 20/11/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was enjoying the benefits of marriage with my new husband. We were changing positions when my joints started crackling and popping like my mother's did when I was a kid. My husband stopped, concerned about my possible pain... I'm 20 years old and pop like an arthritic 50 year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 607
You deserved it 3 891

Same thing different taste

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Wait, how do you know your mother's joints cracked when she was having sex?

She only mentioned the "benefits of marriage" in her post because she was too proper and embarassed to say "my husband was riding me like a drunk redneck on a mechanical bull".


legendofdon 0

you don't need to be married to have sex

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birds_fml 7

Maybe the OP is just SAYING she's married so she doesn't get all the retarded comments of "YDI FOR HAVING SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE LULZ" but really she's not and it's her boyfriend.

Im suprised no one has flown off the handle with religous gossip at this yet.. interesttinngg. If I put my ear to my knee it squeaks? otherwise I cant relate.. :F

Antivirus_fml 0

Americans are annoying, what the f*ck is wrong in being married in 20, in my country many girls are married even in their 16's. A person becomes an adult at the age of 18, so it perfectly fine to get married then. :/


Skull_300 0

What the **** are you Clowns going on about? ******* be respectful!!! hahaha

She only mentioned the "benefits of marriage" in her post because she was too proper and embarassed to say "my husband was riding me like a drunk redneck on a mechanical bull".

where did she say you have to be married to have sex? She was just describing what she was doing without saying "i was having sex". Geez. Get off your high horse.

bezach 0

in all countryside that is considerd racist

im 16 and have arthritis... so you dont need to be old to have it... at least you werent a teenager and probably dont actually have arthritis, lucky you OP =/

12swimmer34 0

dude I'm fourteen and have serious back and neck problems, but sorry op

misstay 0

its not that bad, my joints pop too and what?

yeah mine too and I'm 17. it just happens. so f my life?

I'm 15 with scoliosis, lol. My bones pop with ever damn move I make xD, nobody really notices it though.

I had surgery when I was 13 to correct severe scoliosis that was moving my organs and my cousin and sister have had arthritis since they were toddlers. Just because you have body ailments, doesn't mean you're old

Aww at least he shows that he cares to make sure he's not hurting you (:

Wait, how do you know your mother's joints cracked when she was having sex?

I think the OP meant the way her mom's joints pop in general, not necessarily during sex...

I think I was joking. But, you know, who can be sure anymore?

that sucks but peoples joints pop all the time get over it

I'm only 18 and my knees crack like Crunch bars with every knee movement D: haha.

I'm only 19 and my crunchy bars crack with every jaw movement.

im also only 18 and my joints crack hah. especially my knees; its not an fml... damn why would u wanna get married at 20 though..

Be grateful it's just popping. I'm only 15 and I have junior rheumatoid arthritis. My joints don't pop, but it's awful pain. Not much of an FML.

Could be worse, you could be 20 and fear waking up everyday as a paraplegic due to scoliosis

don't worry about it everyones joints pop and it's probably no big deal. my joints have been doing that for years and I'm only 19. it's really nothing to freak out about