By shh - 09/10/2015 07:06 - United States - Scottsdale

Today, during dinner with my wife's family, my daughter suddenly yelled, "DADDY TICKLES MOMMY'S BUM BUM!" I don't think I've ever received dirtier glares in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 560
You deserved it 2 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'll find this hilarious one day... That day is not today.

unsun 13

Should have accepted it with pride


Like your father in law hasn't touched his wife's ass. Seriously, growing up is a thing that happens to children.

Hmmm. I wonder what else the daughter has seen or heard.

ouijacorn 9

If the family of the woman to whom you are married and with whom you have a child are surprised that you've grabbed/pinched/tickled your own wife's ass, maybe you're not the one with a problem.

ThreeSheets 14

#54 is right- patting your wife on the butt when she bends over or is setting the table and she giggles may have been what she saw. Nothing sexual. Kids don't know- they have seen worse on TV.

I'm just concerned with the fact that the child knows this information? :/

When it comes from a child, it sounds a lot more dramatic. He could've pinched his wife's ass in the kitchen when the kid was out of the room, and the kid might've caught a glance from the hallway or the living room. Any other number of things of that nature could have happened. I'm sure that parents don't do that in front of their children until they're mature enough to understand that it's a playful expression of appreciation and love. Teenagers might think it's gross or avert their eyes, but it's also what they use as a basis for what happens in a loving relationship later on.

Dude!!!!!! Who gives a damn what your in-laws think??? It's a free country!

You two are married, you can tickle whatever you want and no one can give you any look.

PunkPrincess_fml 11

Infinitely better than, "Daddy slaps mommy in the face."