By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 16:44 - France

Today, during a drunken night out, a really trashed friend said to me, "Jeez, even when I’m drunk, you're really ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 551
You deserved it 4 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time you're out with your friend, loudly ask about his herpes.

Maybe you're only ugly cause he's drunk?


Your friend is such a bitch! If I was you, I wouldn't talk to them again.

#19, When you assume you make an ASS out of U and Me.

Luckysam1984 0

Not everyone can be pretty. im not but im good in bed. so it evens out.

angel2293 0

oooooo damn thats harsh, go do some hamstring stretches or something haha :)

KatieRawrr 0

LOL beer goggles not workingggg bust out more grey gooseeee ^^

fromthesuck 8

beer goggles isn't always what does it. when i was younger i still knew thy were ugly. i just said to myself i'm drunk so that's a good enough of an excuse

seriously people how does she/he deserve this, she/he can't help if they are ugly.