By asthmasucks - 19/09/2009 07:47 - United States

Today, due to the heat, I had a deadly asthma attack. Where was my inhaler? My dad pawned it for beer money. What did my dad do about my attack? Told me to quit being a Drama Queen. I had to go across the street and beg for a ride to the ER from my neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 206
You deserved it 3 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you get home, pour all his booze down the sink, and repeat for the rest of his life.

use the empty beer bottles to ur advantage when u smash it over his head then pawn his organs for a new inhailer


seb12992 0

This dude should buy a pocket knife and ass rape his dad with it.

I can't even sit here and read half the comments because they're so ******* stupid. And OP why didn't you just call a god damn ambulence?!

whether this was a fake fml or not smack your dad when he reaches the hospital.....but honestly you should have your pump on you at all times. it shouldnt be pawned for anything whatsoever or even at all

YDI for not calling for an ambulance or at best, having your neighbors call for an ambulance. Moron. Why the hell would you have someone drive you while you're experiencing a "deadly" asthma attack, and not clal an ambulance. Definitely YDI.

Essentials 0

Sorry man that's alcoholism for you. I've been dealing with that shit for 33 years with my father. just move away.

greent_fml 0

You know what I actually believe this. any piece of shit can become a parent these days.

I think you mean NEAR deadly. Unless you're posting from the after life. That sucks though. Sell your dads beer for an inhaler.

Denial13 0

Dumbass just because it's deadly it doesn't mean he us dead

hmm seems a bit odd. Why couldnt you call the police? And how was it deadly if you didnt die? it might have been deathly, which means you could die right? If you had to beg, your nighbors cant be too nice :/

PamIAm1218_fml 0

To all you a-holes who are convinced this is fake: Get a life. Is it really that hard to believe that an alcoholic would sell his son's inhaler on the street for beer money? And quit eviscerating this poor kid for his word choice; OBVIOUSLY this attack wasn't "deadly", but clearly it was life-threatening enough that he felt the need to go to the ER. To the OP: Don't listen to all the jackasses who don't believe you. Your dad is seriously messed up, and needs help. No kid should have to ask a neighbor to take him to the ER! First things first, though: take care of YOU. Try and get out of that house if you can, and get help. There's a support group called Alateen for children of alcoholics; see if there's a meeting in your area. Good luck

This is soooooooooo fake. How much can you get for a cheap plastic inhailer? What pawn shop would think that they could resell a cheap plastic inhailer? Who would buy a cheap plastic inhailer?