By Fiancé problemsss - 05/01/2014 07:11 - United States - Billings

Today, despite all of the pictures and proof of my fiancé, my parents still think I have an imaginary boyfriend. They met him, and were there when he proposed. They think it's all a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 772
You deserved it 4 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they saw all those movies where the girl hires an actor to propose to her. That's how I got my fiancé.

Cwizer 17


I guess when you have your wedding and welcome your first child they'll believe you.

yesyesnonono 10

Send them the wedding bills, guarantee they wont think that's a joke.

Like the rulers of Egypt, kings & queens of denial!

They might still think your wedding is a hoax, but will probably get a clue when you give birth for the first time.

superdom 12

Honestly **** them go and get married and be happy :)

Pinkfun69 4

Sometimes parents really are as dumb as they look.. Sorry op

Obviously you deserve better that the idiots in your family; get married and make your own family or "adopt" your fiancées family and don't look back until you feel the need to. Sometimes enlightened self interest is best for your mental health. Best of wishes and good luck in the future. :)

Perhaps their thinking your engagement to your fiancé is a joke is actually the joke, and they're leading you on to make you think they think you're joking them?