Leave me alone

By Anonymous - 29/08/2020 08:01 - Canada

Today, my brother turned into a fanatical vegan, and while I was eating my scrambled eggs, sat across from me glaring and whispering, "fried embryo, amniotic fluid" the entire time. I have a feeling i'll be eating most of my meals in my room from now on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 678
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the eggs we eat are not fertilized there is no embryo.

Just inform him the chicken eggs we eat aren’t fertilised and therefore you are eating the by product of a chicken’s reproductive cycle, in other words a hen period or in laymen’s terms a chicken egg.


the eggs we eat are not fertilized there is no embryo.

whenever he eats veggies remind him its full of insects , larva and there poop

Just inform him the chicken eggs we eat aren’t fertilised and therefore you are eating the by product of a chicken’s reproductive cycle, in other words a hen period or in laymen’s terms a chicken egg.

Remind him that every seed he eats is an embryo in an endosperm too. In fact, more an embryo than the eggs, which are not fertilized (and hence only an egg).

didnt they just do a study showing that most plants know they are being destroyed, and have some form of empathy for the plants around them, though not to the degree of more sentient things like animals... they still react on a level...and therefor are being eaten alive. the meat most people eat is dead long before it is cut up...

samomaha 17

You are correct. Plants have tropic and nastic responses to external stimuli (tropic, like when a plant throws leaves due to water loss in order to survive, or bends to follow the sun and nastic such as resonding to touchlike when a Venus Fly Trap feels a fly and closes on it.) THey also can send messages to other plants when they are getting harmed. Scientists have recorded loud ultrasonic scream from plants that were being harmed or destroyed. Some fungi can form a network of ifbers miles wide and long in forests. Recent research in the last few years has suggested that plants can see and hear, and may even posses a rduimentary form of intelligence.

Marcella1016 31

Can you guys link to some sources? Because that is existentially horrifying...

did you ever think about what amount of live plants an animal has to eat to grow one pound of muscle (so called "meat")? You cause infinitely more harm to the plants' feelings when consuming "meat".

@Grizz, you say "the meat most people eat is dead long before it is cut up... " The animal the meat belonged to didn't want to die, but had to die because we pay to eat its carrion. Carnivores eat FRESH meat, still warm, while the blood is still liquid. Humans eat carrion, long after rigor mortis has set in, the blood coagulated and putridity started. Anyway, we won't taste it if we just rub enough spices in.

if the kill was ethical (not talking hunting as, too many variables exist) then the animal should not understand dieing. the kill would happen before it could register. as most destroy the brain almost instantly. humans understand such things as we have made it easy to see and learn about it in day to day life. and as for the impact on plants due to the animal eating them... I am against destruction of nature for bigger farms and profits, but take it up with the animals that eat the plants. I do not hunt as I do not wish to cause direct harm to said animal, but I understand such need to eat. and I am not morally against eating plants or meat, only against making people feel bad for doing so. ultimately I will eventually die, and turn to rot eaten by natural cycle.. but i would prefer it be as instant as a bullet through the brain... things need to eat, and you can tell a lion to eat tofu or lettuce for life.

What? No bacon? When talking to him, pepper your conversation with words like eggs-cellent, eggs-citing, eggs-traordinary, etc*. Then he'll really have a legitimate beef. *eggs cetera.

Marcella1016 31

Haha yeah OP you didn’t start the war but you can certainly finish it. Your brother is a ******* dick.

I would cheerfully eat meat in front of them time and time again, for every meal including snacks.

tounces7 27

Move. He's only going to get worse as the he gets further involved with the cult.

coius 23

Tell him the extra-cruelty to the animal makes it taste better. Just piss him off with comments about how you hope the animal suffered before being made into excellent bacon (even better if you go back for seconds, not because you are hungry, but the pain you tasted makes it extra tasty and the more you eat, the more animals got slaughtered.) Even if you dont feel that way about it, it may cause your brother to leave you alone out of horror, freeing your day (even if it is to eat more meet) from his assholish-ness.

I would do the same with him, stopping eating the trees and plants they have feelings too