By Bes - 14/06/2009 15:54 - Canada

Today, at school, I was trying to pee in the stall, but I couldn't. I repeatedly pushed my bladder. Unfortunately, I didn't realize a number of things. My stall was open, I made noises from frustration, and I looked like I was jacking off. When I gave up, somebody clapped and yelled, "FINALLY!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 013
You deserved it 51 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... why would you not close the stall?

kellster 2

Don't push, that never helps. You sound like a guy. Why were you in the stall?? And why were you making noises in a public restroom? Why was your door open? So many questions. So much YDI. Wtf with your bladder, though. Maybe you have a blockage in there.


kellster 2

Don't push, that never helps. You sound like a guy. Why were you in the stall?? And why were you making noises in a public restroom? Why was your door open? So many questions. So much YDI. Wtf with your bladder, though. Maybe you have a blockage in there.

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wtf? ^^^ qirls can jack off 2. ur a dumbass. fail @ life.

10_4Franky 0

The phrase jacking off is used for mainly guys, jackass. Plus the gender is male.

it can also be used for girls, i've seen tons of fml's where its used for girls. and yeah i know the op's male i didnt say he wasn't.

Your life is not ****** if people are willing to cheer you on for masturbating.

LMAO! Oh, that's bound to suck at the best of times, but at school...haha. You'll get over it. I guess you just didn't need to go afterall! :3

I monitered this one! U should have closed the door the second u got in

Hey, you got a standing ovation for "masturbating". You should be proud!

epic failness (: but i have a similar story about " forgettting to shut doors " maybe i should put it on fml (:

fangsupKELS 0

Oh dear LOL that person rocks