By LordAdam - 14/06/2009 13:16 - Australia

Today, I accidentally left my concession card in the photocopier. I then got fined for not having a concession card on the train. I was photocopying it for a letter to get out of a fine for not having a concession card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 092
You deserved it 42 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i have been to melbourne and i've heard how the connex (the train company) officers fine people unreasonably. concession cards are like lower fare train tickets for students/kids. most of the stories i've heard from people involve forgetting their tickets... if you photocopy your existing ticket (which has a date stamp that proves you've bought one while you were on a ride at that time) and send the photocopy in, they might believe you and not fine you. i know how sucky those officers are so i agree fyl. but i don't get why you didn't show them the photocopy you just made, or did you forget that too... which is too stupid because what was the point of going to photocopy and leaving emptyhanded.


i have been to melbourne and i've heard how the connex (the train company) officers fine people unreasonably. concession cards are like lower fare train tickets for students/kids. most of the stories i've heard from people involve forgetting their tickets... if you photocopy your existing ticket (which has a date stamp that proves you've bought one while you were on a ride at that time) and send the photocopy in, they might believe you and not fine you. i know how sucky those officers are so i agree fyl. but i don't get why you didn't show them the photocopy you just made, or did you forget that too... which is too stupid because what was the point of going to photocopy and leaving emptyhanded.

hannah794 0

I'm sure that happened. Yeah.

I modded this one :D haha this so sucks for you, how about explaining the situation?

Trying to explain the situation results in getting beaten up ( for example). If it gets to court and they don't accept your excuse, you're fined twice.

zeusseta 0

#6, original poster; in this context, the poster of the FML.

Nomad609 0

why not just make 5 photocopies of the concession card next time. lol

zeusseta 0

#2 a concession card is like a season pass, only for a train