By iluvcoconutrough - 02/07/2009 04:34 - New Zealand

Today, at school I was sitting with a friend outside, talking about irregular periods and unshaven legs. Ten minutes into the conversation, a teacher sticks her head out the window above us and tells us to leave. We were distracting a classroom who were trying to finish a test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 974
You deserved it 22 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAH i think you go to my school! i was taking a test and someone was talking about this outside! ahahahahha! omg i need to tell me buddies at school tmr! FYL!!!

No way. My friend was telling me about this. Auckland right?


hah I moderated this one. yeah that wasn't too bright of you.

this is not a fml. more like f the classrooms life for having to listen to you talk about which one of you 2 more resembles an ape.

afrika57 0

europe facts 4 americans: school ends late july

Too bad the OP is from New Zealand anyway...

I hate people that talk too loud in public areas, learn to control your volume. For Crying out loud. Specially when you are talking about something private. . . YDI.

lastminuteperm 0
deathbunny256 0

I don't think most windows would fit a desk, so I'd just go with something slightly smaller but heavy... maybe a chair? If the teacher didn't mind, I'd use a computer.

oh my YDI u hve 2 tlk bout shit like that in private g0d r u a complettly inexperienced in whispering or secrets GoD ☺☻♥♥☻☺

GOD, please grant this girl the gift of grammar.

1nicent1 0

U still have school!?!?!?!?!? I'm glad I don't live near u

1nicent1 0

Oh nvm. I didn't see that u were from New ZEaland. YDI