By iluvcoconutrough - 02/07/2009 04:34 - New Zealand

Today, at school I was sitting with a friend outside, talking about irregular periods and unshaven legs. Ten minutes into the conversation, a teacher sticks her head out the window above us and tells us to leave. We were distracting a classroom who were trying to finish a test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 974
You deserved it 22 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAH i think you go to my school! i was taking a test and someone was talking about this outside! ahahahahha! omg i need to tell me buddies at school tmr! FYL!!!

No way. My friend was telling me about this. Auckland right?


It's funny how most fmls convos start off with I'm the first or second comment, then it trails off to how people hate that person, and then to a random subject like dinosaurs or gummyworms (just making up an example)

Wow are you stupid? Did you even look at the OP's location?

I guess they ran out of topics to talk about.....

Can u say: EMBARESING i know i spelled it wrong

ellbtvsvm 0

Lrn2Read. Look at the OP's location.

why do so many people on this site care so much about peoples spelling...

god how is this even an fml and who moderated this one? when I moderate only the hard core stories get the "yes". we really really need a " who really cares" button!

oh and number 26 - I assume you've never been to college or uni because they both run right through summer usually. so yes, school in July or even august is sadly possible :(

but really why would you talk about that crap anyway!!!!! its retarded and aparently so are you