By JK2010 - 11/01/2010 18:12 - Israel

Today, my crush of over a year came over for me to take her on our first date. Today was also the day my drunk parents decided to dance the chicken dance in our front yard, naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 403
You deserved it 3 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope... *puts on sunglasses* That your crush didn't chicken out on you YYYEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!


mohomonopoly 0

YDI because you live in Israel. Honetly, there's nothing else I need to say. Fricken greedy Israelis.

McFail_fml 4

Tell her on saturdays the whole family gets together and Crunk dance in the front yard naked if she doesnt join shes not worth it.

waterynuggets 0
perdix 29

And your mom offered him some chicken breast and he puked.

Sounds like my friends parents. His dad used to play frisbee outside in the snow with plates while half naked with his friends. You don't want to know what the mom did.

Intellectualist 0

Fake? Seriously? Have you people never had drunk parents?... You just couldn't make this shit up, nothing this funny can be made up. It's hilarious.