By volleyballgirl - 28/02/2010 01:11 - United States

Today, at my volleyball tournament I was extremely pumped to start playing so I went to take my sweats off and everybody began to stare at me then I looked down to come to realize I had no spandex on, just a thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 961
You deserved it 32 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments


spartan_girl 0

I can see how this would happen - I was a competitive dancer through the end of high school, and before every competition we all did a "brief check" (briefs are like spandex, only in the shape of a brief). I don't think we ever had a competition in which no one forgot their briefs, which is why we checked. we were wearing tights, too, and if we had on a skirt (instead of a dress) with a waistband, it was pretty easy not to notice...OP, I can see how if you were excited about the game, you didn't notice the difference between wearing a thong and wearing spandex. someday you'll be able to laugh at this :)

volleyballer18 0

personally, i play volleyball and know what it's like. you can't feel your spandex when you wear them. its like wearing nothing. so you're no moron, it's easy to forget them sometimes. i know i almost did it a bunch of times.


then u must have issues cuz I can feel spandex, ya know, the cloth that is somewhat tight and covers your ass... and prob you're wearing em wrong. really wrong.

lambiee 0

this is why my high school volleyball team got new uniforms. when my older sister played they had the usual spandex/t-shirt. when i played they had basketball shorts and a baggy tank-jersey type of deal.

gokartfeltes 0

hott lol wish I coulda saw what color thong

definetly making sure I have my spandex on before I take off my sweats now haha