Thank God for that

By Anonymous - 12/05/2021 02:01

Today, after helping my grandma to clear out and renovate her house, she tells me that the only reason she doesn’t hate me is because God will hate her if she does. All because I threw out a pack of biscuits with an expiry date of Nov 2012. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 013
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm thinking she's a hoarder or/and her love language is stuff. People who grew up wanting can have an unhealthy attachment to things.

Marcella1016 31

Holy shit that reaction though. You just threw away some biscuits. Like...that escalated quickly lol. As others said, she probably has a hoarding problem, and hopefully just overreacted and probably didn’t mean it. Many kudos on you for helping her :) I’m messy AF and have had friends help me out various times with “Spring cleaning” over the years. Trust me it’s such a huge help, and you’re a freaking saint!


rotflqtms_ 21

Maybe she's dyslexic and thought it said 2021...

I'm thinking she's a hoarder or/and her love language is stuff. People who grew up wanting can have an unhealthy attachment to things.

Marcella1016 31

Holy shit that reaction though. You just threw away some biscuits. Like...that escalated quickly lol. As others said, she probably has a hoarding problem, and hopefully just overreacted and probably didn’t mean it. Many kudos on you for helping her :) I’m messy AF and have had friends help me out various times with “Spring cleaning” over the years. Trust me it’s such a huge help, and you’re a freaking saint!

Wadlaen 23

Good to hear God is on your side!😅