By drama_queen - 04/12/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, at my school, we had the opening night of our production in which I act. None of my family or friends came. Basically, after 3 long months of hard work, the only person to "congratulate" to me after the show was the head of the theater department, who just wanted to tell me I was doing it wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 735
You deserved it 3 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been acting for all my life. I haven't had my family come see a single show since elementry school, when it stopped being cute. Classic "we want you to be a laywer or something" bullshit. Before I had my car, I had to WALK to the theatre for rehersal because they wouldn't even drive me (I live in the country. No sidewalks, no blocks, it was tresspassing through 2 miles of cornfields everyday) But you know what? I did it. And every rehersal I worked my ass off. It never mattered that nobody was there for me, I loved theatre. Yeah, I had to watch all my friends with smaller parts and half my talent getting bouquets of flowers, but ya'know what? It didn't bother me. Because theatre isn't about getting induvidual praise. People see a show to be entertained and it takes a whole of a cast and crew working together perfectly to put a good show on. And THAT is whats important. Was the show, as a whole, good? Did the cast, as a whole, get applause? Then you should be happy. Quit yer bitchin'

cucuto89 0

I hope you were doing it because you like acting, not because you like attention


I've been acting in theatre and films for going over five years now, in high school, now college and professionally. It sounds like your just hungry for attention, which doesn't make me surprised that your director told you you're doing it wrong. People who constantly want focus to be on themselves seldom make good performers. It's not about you, it's about being a part of something bigger than yourself. Also, it's opening night, there will be more shows for your friends and family to see. Long story short: YFDI