By drama_queen - 04/12/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, at my school, we had the opening night of our production in which I act. None of my family or friends came. Basically, after 3 long months of hard work, the only person to "congratulate" to me after the show was the head of the theater department, who just wanted to tell me I was doing it wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 739
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've been acting for all my life. I haven't had my family come see a single show since elementry school, when it stopped being cute. Classic "we want you to be a laywer or something" bullshit. Before I had my car, I had to WALK to the theatre for rehersal because they wouldn't even drive me (I live in the country. No sidewalks, no blocks, it was tresspassing through 2 miles of cornfields everyday) But you know what? I did it. And every rehersal I worked my ass off. It never mattered that nobody was there for me, I loved theatre. Yeah, I had to watch all my friends with smaller parts and half my talent getting bouquets of flowers, but ya'know what? It didn't bother me. Because theatre isn't about getting induvidual praise. People see a show to be entertained and it takes a whole of a cast and crew working together perfectly to put a good show on. And THAT is whats important. Was the show, as a whole, good? Did the cast, as a whole, get applause? Then you should be happy. Quit yer bitchin'

cucuto89 0

I hope you were doing it because you like acting, not because you like attention


Dw about it you get used to it. I've bin in more shows than i can count and not one friend or family member ever came. I'm sure you got congratulated of the rest of the cast though right? Aftershow partys rock

And I'm sure you congratulated the rest of the cast, right? We can't really vote, as we don't know if you even invited your friends/family, and we don't know if you deserved the corrections or not.

cucuto89 0

I hope you were doing it because you like acting, not because you like attention

Doesn't the name say it all? Also, I agree with #6.

EvilHippyEmperor 0

Just as well your family didn't turn up to see you doing it wrong...

sportsnut 0

YDI, hard work is a hell of a lot different than good work, though they often go hand in hand but obviously not in your case

I've been acting for all my life. I haven't had my family come see a single show since elementry school, when it stopped being cute. Classic "we want you to be a laywer or something" bullshit. Before I had my car, I had to WALK to the theatre for rehersal because they wouldn't even drive me (I live in the country. No sidewalks, no blocks, it was tresspassing through 2 miles of cornfields everyday) But you know what? I did it. And every rehersal I worked my ass off. It never mattered that nobody was there for me, I loved theatre. Yeah, I had to watch all my friends with smaller parts and half my talent getting bouquets of flowers, but ya'know what? It didn't bother me. Because theatre isn't about getting induvidual praise. People see a show to be entertained and it takes a whole of a cast and crew working together perfectly to put a good show on. And THAT is whats important. Was the show, as a whole, good? Did the cast, as a whole, get applause? Then you should be happy. Quit yer bitchin'

OnTheSaneSide 0

I'm in theatre too, so I am very impressed at your die-hard commitment and ability to not really care if anyone appreciates what you did. But I still feel bad for OP because A) They might not be as secure/experienced as you so they'd like it B) I think one of the big parts of theater is to show that people appreciated the show, which being told you did good reiterates and C) It's always nice for self-esteem to be told you did a good job. If he is upset that there was no one telling him this and the only person was someone telling him the opposite, than I feel for him.

Well, I certainly don't think this is a YDI and I do feel bad for her to a point. I'm just saying, she doesn't need anybody's support if this is what she wants, and that she should be glad enough that the show went well. Assuming it did go well. :P

It's pathetic that, apparently, the only reason you're doing the show is for other people's approval and congratulations. Do theater because you want to and you enjoy it for it's own sake, or don't do it at all. The market's already flooded with attention-seeking wannabe divas like yourself. Also, when the director tells you you're doing something wrong, you listen. They are trying to help you.

Maybe people would show up if you were doing it right.