By Anonymous - 27/03/2017 22:00

Today, at my engagement party, I overheard my future father-in-law saying he was happy his son was marrying "the dumb, pretty one" because all the "smart ones" he dated at university were "nerds with small tits." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 607
You deserved it 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neuronerd 28

So, not only is he an objectifying misogynist, he's one of those people who thinks intelligence and physical attractiveness are mutually exclusive. I'm sorry, OP. Hopefully, your fiance didn't learn those qualities from him.

It absolutely baffles me how someone can possibly make a comment like that, even if they are certain nobody would overhear them.


It absolutely baffles me how someone can possibly make a comment like that, even if they are certain nobody would overhear them.

He must be of the "pretty" (and) "dumb" variety...

bjnono001 20

Ask the president of the United States.

neuronerd 28

So, not only is he an objectifying misogynist, he's one of those people who thinks intelligence and physical attractiveness are mutually exclusive. I'm sorry, OP. Hopefully, your fiance didn't learn those qualities from him.

On the plus side, you'll probably have an easier time extracting money from the old fart, and he won't be bugging you for advice.

At least he said that you're pretty. Never stay alone with this guy. Just in case.