By Deedee - 28/03/2017 00:00

Today, 15 minutes before the end of the day, my boss asked me who I was training to replace me. He then said never mind, that it was his job to choose someone. I hadn't indicated that I was planning on leaving the company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 973
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe a promotion is in the works. Could be! You don't know!

Well, he indicated that he's planning on you leaving the company.


Maybe a promotion is in the works. Could be! You don't know!

Well, he indicated that he's planning on you leaving the company.

blink831forever 13

um..I hope things turn out well for you.

Any chance it was a joke? Do you happen work for Michael Scott?

Keep a record of this, it could come in useful if you're unfairly dismissed.

10thFloor 16

what happened then?? did we get a follow up?