By dynomyte - 11/02/2009 20:04 - United States

Today, as I sat on the table in my gynecologist's office for my yearly checkup, I realized that was the most action I got in the past year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 969
You deserved it 8 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The first gyno appointment I ever had was two days after my boyfriend and I had broken up. I asked her about the pill. She asked me if I was involved with anyone. I said no and started crying. Worst doctor's appointment ever.


Hehe, my friend said the same thing when she went for her last checkup. Except she can't have sex, because she has vaginismus, which means her ****** muscles are too tight and make her ****** too small. So going to the gyno is her only action, but it also makes her cry from the pain. Someone always has it worse, don't worry :)

Nikkitaria 9

I thought it meant having ****** teeth :O now that's even worse

lemonkid44 0

what the hell neutro? do you think she wants that kind of sex? true, she may be desperate, but everyone has standards. not everybody's a fan of the emotionless one night stand.

The first gyno appointment I ever had was two days after my boyfriend and I had broken up. I asked her about the pill. She asked me if I was involved with anyone. I said no and started crying. Worst doctor's appointment ever.

ever heard of a slumpbuster?? muster up some self confidence and get some action.

midnightlime 0

FML i feel your pain... but im still young so i guess i shouldn't worry so much.....................right?? :(

Midnite I will be your silver knight and take care of your silver lining

moopsy234 0

oooooooooooooooooooooopooooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooaooooooooooooopenisinyourvaginaisactionooooooooooooooooosexisgoodooooooooand makes you scream!!!!

The point that others are trying to make is this: "What is the point in complaining and/or feeling badly about a situation that is ENTIRELY within your own control?" If the fact that you haven't had sex in over a year is the problem, then fix it. All Men are cheap, easy, *****, just pick one and get to it. If, in fact, the real problem is that you haven't had a relationship in over a year, then that is much harder to solve... but then THAT doesn't have anything to do with your gyno now does it? The reason that Men get irritated with Women who bitch about not getting laid enough is because, for Women, not getting laid is a CONSCIOUS CHOICE.

Vegeto30294 19

I stopped reading when you said "All Men are cheap, easy, *****".