By suckstobeme - 12/04/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, as I got down on one knee, and was in the middle of saying, "Will you marry me?" my partner answered a text message. Apparently it was more important. FML
I agree, your life sucks 163 942
You deserved it 10 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe you should have texted her instead

I really hope you didn't try to propose again.


Sounds like she would have responded better to a text proposal. She sounds too flaky. Don't marry her, I'm sure you'll be disappointed.

Veryberry05 0

She isn't worth your time, obviously she didn't take the relationship seriously and did not have any respect for you if she was going to do something like that. Good luck man.

_apecakez 0

what a bitch! you should shove that phone so far up her arse, that she'll be ******** text messages for a week. :)

roshnee93 0

that's a sign from god that it shouldn't happen :-p

fdhuirewtry 0


fdhuirewtry 0


Pittfan557 0

#42 you have got to be kidding! What is more important than the rest of your life? That is what I thought definately dump the bitch. At least you found out now that she is a bitch... better than when you were married for years.

I actually kinda think you're lucky. What better time to find out what a bitch she is then BEFORE you're married and not right after?? And, you could've been posting saying "My new wife and I were about to consummate the marriage when she started texting." LOL

kylepwn1 0

leave that bitch and dont come back =)