By "Marlon4136" - 14/09/2017 01:30

Today, as an usher at a beauty pageant, I was helping other patrons when a group walked past me and sat. I politely asked to see their tickets, but one of the women got angry and ripped hers up to throw the pieces in my face. Without a ticket, I had to kick her out. The police were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 879
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel bad about it, this is what people deserve when they act like this. See yourself as Karma's little helper!

I hope it was you calling the police to press charges for assault, or at least something. And, pre-emptively, to the people who say this isn't assault, the next time you see a cop, throw some paper in his/her face and see what happens.