By Anonymous - 27/06/2015 06:15 - Australia - Doncaster East

Today, an old lady wearing a low-cut shirt with no bra underneath came into my line with some groceries. At some point while bagging her groceries, her wrinkled breast slipped out of her shirt. She didn't even notice. I wish to fuck I could unsee this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 839
You deserved it 2 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget about the groceries, someone bag those bags!

How has the therapy been working out for you? :(


nightfall8705 33

Don't mind me, I'm just singing; "Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier? Do your boobs hang low? "Are your boobs too big? Are they heavy as a pig? Do they crush your cerebellum when you dance an Irish jig? Can they serve as anchors for a fleet of oil tankers? Are your boobs too big? "Are your boobs too small? Barely visible at all? Do they look just like two peanuts stuck onto a bowling ball? Can you store them in a thimble when you're feeling rather nimble? Are your boobs too small?" Okay, I'm laughing too much to continue. Sorry about you needing brain bleach, OP.

I've seen a heavier old man running down the street in something similar to a speedo so I would like to think I know your pain but that's much worse

nitrog100 21

That just reminds me of one of my favorite Andy moments from Parks and Rec. He's playing a Valentine's Day set for old people, and says, "When you play a rock show, it's really easy to know when you're doing great, 'cause chicks'll flash their boobs at you—when you're up on stage, and you're like, 'oh, that must sounded pretty good', but I can't—if that happens here, my eyes will fall out of my head, and I'll die."

I love how I was the one to actually write this a week ago, and you felt the need to steal it. Is your life really that uneventful that you have to snipe the moderation section to get something posted..