By Anonymous - 27/06/2015 06:15 - Australia - Doncaster East

Today, an old lady wearing a low-cut shirt with no bra underneath came into my line with some groceries. At some point while bagging her groceries, her wrinkled breast slipped out of her shirt. She didn't even notice. I wish to fuck I could unsee this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 839
You deserved it 2 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget about the groceries, someone bag those bags!

How has the therapy been working out for you? :(


Ma'm here is additional plastic bag please place your personal groceries in this bag and cover them.

Backboner 3

That's when you pull out your camera, take as many pictures you can, and then post on social media as such behaviour is completely unacceptable for seniors. Such wardrobe malfunction is for hotties under 30 years old.

God help you friend that's something no one should see

You should be glad you're not a paramedic or nurse. That is something we see every day and it's one of the least scarring things.

mthurston 14

Well... At least u got to see some titty lol

She could just look down to look at her own though.

rotationzz 3

Totaly thought that was going to read something else there.