By Anonymous - 27/06/2015 06:15 - Australia - Doncaster East

Today, an old lady wearing a low-cut shirt with no bra underneath came into my line with some groceries. At some point while bagging her groceries, her wrinkled breast slipped out of her shirt. She didn't even notice. I wish to fuck I could unsee this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 839
You deserved it 2 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget about the groceries, someone bag those bags!

How has the therapy been working out for you? :(


That's why I always look people in the eyes when I talk to them, don't need to sneak a peek xD

xluciferx666 21

*Starts humming do your ears hang low*

Oh my god. Do you know how many grotesque pictures I'll have to look at to get that image out of my mind?

sdlr32787 18

Did it look like a tennisball in a gym sock?

Don't hate the player hate the game!

xluciferx666 21

Something like that happened to me one I worked at a mini golf place and one night it was pouring and some old lady was playing. She was wearing a white shirt and no bra I will let you use your imagination

Too bad the store didn't have any eye bleach in stock.

Remember this fifty years hence as you get ready to go out shopping.....

THATS WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT ! at least you got some action