By lehonj49 - 21/06/2013 16:10 - Australia - Burwood

Today, after years of battling my social anxiety issues, I went out clubbing with my friends. A girl started talking to me and we actually hit it off. The next thing I know, I'm on the floor getting wailed on by some bloke for hitting on his girlfriend. She didn't do a thing to stop him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 845
You deserved it 3 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Therapists everywhere..... give a discount to this guy...

I hope you're fine now. Congrats on going out! :) I hope you won't get discouraged by this.


Bigfabthetruth52 22

Damn,i have the same issues but im not ever going out like that unless her boyfriend had two friends or a gun.

bakedbabe 8

Don't worry op, I beat he got jealous cause you're hotter than he is

I have social anxiety too (among other problems) so I feel your pain, OP.

That's why I let my anxiety keep me home. Among other reasons

don't let one bad incident stop you from going out again op :)

sioux4 17

Hey that's awesome... That you went it anyways. I also have social anxiety so I totally understand how hard it is to actually go out-- even with friends. Some people are just idiots, don't let this get you down, go out with your friends again and have a good time; and try not to let your anxiety get the best if you if and when some one talks to you again! :)

Some girls get off on that shit. They like seeing their man "fight" for them. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I hope you weren't hurt too badly.