By The Soul Of A Damned Queef - 31/01/2015 04:04 - United States - Dublin

By The Soul Of A Damned Queef - 31/01/2015 04:04 - United States - Dublin
By Anonymous - 18/01/2013 20:59 - Canada - Owen Sound
By Nav - 16/06/2019 22:00
By McKenna - 16/07/2011 04:10 - United States
By come on man - 29/11/2014 17:03 - United States - Sunnyvale
By Anonymous - 04/07/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
By blizzard_of_77 - 08/04/2009 16:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/01/2014 17:59 - United States - Imperial
By i'm not psychic, mother fucker - 02/06/2013 20:48 - Sweden - Uppsala
By Peter Steele love - 18/10/2015 00:49 - United Kingdom - Clevedon
By giantcuntflaps - 13/12/2014 16:03 - Australia
You told him 'dirty'. Now only your definition of dirty has to match with his definition!
She's lucky he didn't take a hundred different pictures of his **** instead!
How is that offensive?..
He's just stating that not only is the sex going to be fun, but it's going to patriotic, you know, seeing that he's commemorating the dreadful events that transpired that morning, but hey that's just my understanding.
OP: ...and I'm gonna go all Seal Team 6 on you if you ever send me a text like that again.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayYour not very smart are you
@12 Neither are you.
They're still dying? I had no idea
Yes, they are still dying from exposure to silica dust from the crumbled walls and smoke. It causes lung cancer, as well as other very painful chronic conditions. At least inform yourselves before judging.
#12 excuse me, I mean people are not still dying from that and I thought it was a stupid comment so keep going around acting like and ass
^ I didn't read the after effects part.
He apparently thought your comment was stupid. People are in fact still dying from health complications of 9/11.
Well shit, ok I was wrong
I honestly don't know why I got so many down votes. Guess I'm the only one on the ******* site who personally has seen the effects of it. Excuse the **** out of me for not finding his joke about 9/11 funny. My dad was one of the lucky first responders who didn't get too many health problems from it, unlike a lot of people who got cancer and long term, terminal effects from it. So no, I'm not stupid and I do not take back what I originally said. And thank you to those who did defend me.
I honestly don't understand why this is getting so many downvotes?!?!?!
@12 You're*
Silica and Asbestos exposure will affect most of the people who inhaled any large amount of the dust from the collapses. Even with one smaller exposure asbestos can cause asbestosis and then mesothelioma (cancer)
#31 you are #12... and your grammar sucks.
I'd thought I'd seen stupid before, but izzy took it to another level past potato.
Really, people are still dying from after 14 years? That's a long time to still be on the brink of death.
@51, I actually genuinely didn't know that about the after effects of breathing in all the harmful substances. Nonetheless, still something that will forever be a tragedy whether it's been 14 years or 40. Thank you for your Dad's service, and I'm glad he got out relatively unscathed. He's a hero going into that building with no guarantees on his own well-being. Sacrifice is truly the most beautiful form of humanity there is.
@121, In my opinion, you had both ample time and examples to read of why people are indeed still dying after 14 years; before posting this asinine comment.
What’s Osama Bin Laden’s fave drink? A double Manhattan
Why would he think you would want a terrorist attack on your ******?
It's a direct attack on Bush.
Ohhh, ho ho ho! That was a good 'un, 25!
"She has a bomb pussy. I'm ready to attack, so I let my middle into her cave looking for Osama and deploy a million white soldiers on Iraq."
#73, You're trying too hard, bud.
@73, I do not think you're talking about the same 9/11 as we are. There was no cave. You know, the towers and the planes? Yeah, that one.
He was trying to be funny.
But slightly failed.
Only slightly, at least.
Were you there? Had family die? If no, there's no way that was offensive to you. Get over yourself and enjoy the sex.
#10 was saying if not then shut up and enjoy the sex. Which is a valid point. You're wayyyy too sensitive if something like that comment upsets you. It was almost a decade and a half ago, can we stop crying about it already. I think as Americans we have been playing the 9/11 card for far too long. Look at the atrocities that transpire everyday in other countries, are they hoisting it up as the worst thing ever for the next 15 years? Nope, in fact the rest of the world seems to bounce back and carry on remarkably faster than us. Yeah, the shit was tragic and I'm all for remembering it on that day every year, but for God's sake can we put it to bed now?
26 I guess you don't know anyone that is/was a first responder. People are still dying from me after affects of the dust and debris that was in the air that day. That attack brought this country to its knees. December 7, 1941 (attack on Pearl Harbor) is it still talked about as devastating. So a decade and a half isn't that long to be still talking about something.
Actually I knew 4 people that lost their lives that morning. I've dealt with my grief and can appreciate the fact that op's husband was making a joke. He wasn't intending to offend anyone, so nobody should take offense. Stop being so over sensitive about it. It doesn't make you any more patriotic, compassionate, or decent to get all worked up everytime somebody makes a joke about it that isn't quite your taste.
"Look at the atrocities that transpire every day in other countries". World Trade centers aren't blown up in other countries.
Nah whole towns are in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.....
Completely agree
You told him 'dirty'. Now only your definition of dirty has to match with his definition!
At least he tried.