By Geemeisters - 08/11/2015 10:03 - United Kingdom - Studley

Today, after several months desperately searching for a job and feeling pretty insecure and unimportant, I drove 15 miles to a job interview. On parking my car at the destination, I found that during my drive a spider had been making a cobweb between the car and my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 079
You deserved it 1 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AkBunny907 18

Did you get the job, or was the spider the only one able to accomplish anything in this story?

Revan501 15

welp time to burn the car and the hair.


Revan501 15

welp time to burn the car and the hair.

Don't do that, I think Charlotte was trying to write interview advice so the OP could get some needed help.

but Charlotte died. is she alive?? bu dum dum..

At least the spider found you very important!

It was probably one of Charlotte's babies helping you get that job.

Maybe you can now save the world...if it bites you...then you will be really important...

singlwforlife 22

Time to blow up your car and shave your head! Start a new fashion trend, you don't need hair! ;)

AkBunny907 18

Did you get the job, or was the spider the only one able to accomplish anything in this story?

How did you not feel that? Haha ... Did you get the job??

lexiieeex3 32

Well that's one way to start the day...

And? I think I may have missed the point here.

OP is so unimportant and outdated that the spider started using them as a stationary point for its cobweb like a piece of neglected furniture. Unlike the furniture, though, OP is totally capable of moving forward and achieving bigger things, though I'm sure the spider was happy for at least the 15 miles he got to spend making his cobweb.