We live in a society

By tlowbrim - 18/11/2020 02:02

Today, I'm working retail where masks are mandatory. A gentleman comes in with his mask below his chin. I politely say, "Hey dude, if you’re gonna shop here I'm going to need you to keep that mask on properly", to which he replies, "Fuck you, you stupid little bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 275
You deserved it 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Lemme guess, red hat? Tell him it's patriotic to wear his mask, that type are pretty easily manipulated by those words.

This pandemic has certainly been a great opportunity for divisive forces. You'd think wearing a protective mask in a pandemic would be considered patriotic, but some people want to fight about anything. This is the hill you die on? What a small petty life you have made? (Customer not you)


"Sir" is polite, "Hey, dude" is either inappropriately familiar or aggressive depending on tone, you stupid, little bitch. I'm totally into mask-wearing, but "I'm going to need you to..." is so annoying, I might just go bare-faced to stick it to you!

Of all of my comments you bitch about, this one was not stupid. It was insightful with some flourishes to remain in character.

We in the teaching business call those “I statements.” I’ve been told they’re preferable to strictly demanding/commanding statements. Makes it more personable I guess. Idk. All I know is I had to train myself to use them.

tounces7 27

Lemme guess, red hat? Tell him it's patriotic to wear his mask, that type are pretty easily manipulated by those words.

phybreawptic 13

Not really a partisan issue but I'll bite. What he could have said where I live is "If you put your mask on and your shopping cart away you'll get a government issued handout." Perhaps being a little polite might have gotten a better response though in all honesty.

Of course it's a partisan issue. Trump Republicans (which is almost all of them) take on their Dear Leader's anti-mask attitude. Somehow, they don't mind seat-belt laws.

phybreawptic 13

You see what you choose to see I guess. Not wearing a mask isn't partisan specific. To think it is, is very short sighted. You think it is and then imply you'd like them not wear seatbelts. Very unifying, loving, and accepting of you.

tounces7 27

Haha, not sure where you get the idea that I'm promoting some kinda 60s hippy message. I'm Pro-2nd amendment and still despise the current president and his cult following.

Did he end up wearing his mask properly or was he kicked out?

Well, all things considered, him cussing you out is better than the asshats who've killed retail employees for doing their job and asking someone to put on their mask. I'd call the police if it were my store and have the person arrested - not for mask violations, but for trespassing when they'd been clearly informed they are not welcome.

This pandemic has certainly been a great opportunity for divisive forces. You'd think wearing a protective mask in a pandemic would be considered patriotic, but some people want to fight about anything. This is the hill you die on? What a small petty life you have made? (Customer not you)

One person decided to make masks a divisive issue for political gain and it almost worked. After condemning his country to the worst response to the pandemic in the world due to his incompetence and arrogance and greed, this person garnered the second-most votes ever in any US presidential election. Without the divisive maneuver, he would have lost by tens of millions of votes, instead of about six million.

probably should've said excuse me mister instead but he had no right to say that to you. I hope you kicked him out

NikkiV 1

No one deserves being talked to like that. However masks don't work.