By Anonymous - 12/12/2010 20:32 - United Kingdom

Today, after months of dieting, I finally reached my goal weight. Excitedly I told my boyfriend, who gave me a beautiful dress as an early Christmas present. It was a size too small. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 703
You deserved it 5 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honestly, stop thinking about that shit. you're just going deeper into the rabbit hole. you reached your goal weight! if you can't fit the dress, don't feel insulted; just tell him you can't fit it! problem solved. |the kid|

I laugh a little bit whenever I see guys trying to buy clothes for their girlfriends for Christmas. If it's too small, she'll think you want her to lose weight. If it's too big, she'll think you think she's fat. Or it'll be unflattering. There's a reason women spend so much time in dressing rooms. It takes a long time to find clothes that look good. Unless it's a scarf or a bathrobe, please don't buy it.


RawrBunneh 0

that means he thinks your that size, tell him sorry honey, not that small yet(:

Muffinzz11 7

I would tie that to a radiator and grape it for decades and decades and decades

Maybe it's just the manufacturer. Don't feel bad, just exchange it. In some dresses I'm a zero, in others I'm a 2 or a 4. (I'm 14. Don't yell at me for being "disgustingly skinny") Congrats on reaching your goal weight. :)

angela3222 0

what does age have to do with weight? any age, you are way too small. get some meat on your bones... my god kids these days...

Being a size 2 or 4 is not disgustingly skinny. And she doesn't need to get more meat on her bones. If she's eating normally and healthy, then she's fine the way she is. I bet you're one of those people who gets all defensive when someone gets called obese/overweight and argues that being overweight is acceptable.

I'm 23 and a size 2-4. I'm not disgusting at all. some people look good at that size, just depends on your build.

61 - As the girl above me said, a size 2-4 is most definitely not too skinny! It all depends on height. If she's rather tall, she'll seem a lot thinner than a girl of the same size (2-4) who is of a shorter stature. I'm a size 2. I have a pear shaped body, and I'm in no way perfectly thin. When I was a size 4, I admit, my butt was big enough that I could stand to lose a few IMO, but that's just because of where the weight I gained placed itself. We're not back in the Stone Age; we don't need extra fat on our bodies to survive! Megan- Don't worry about it. You're not too thin; even if you grow and end up a size 6, you're still normal and certainly won't be fat.

celticmarine2005 2

How is that disgustingly thin? It depends on height too. if she is under 5'6" that is a really normal size, especially for a 14 year old who (at least back 10 years ago standard) probably hasn't even hit puberty full strength. I am 5'9" and was a size 2 in high school because I was a runner, you're ignorant if you think that just because of a number that a girl is disgustingly thin or thick.

No wonder anorexia and bulimia are more common now than years ago... Geez.

I'm 24 and am a PERFECT sized ONE. don't apologize for being slim and HEALTHY. that "meat" on your bones fatty mcslob is talking about is FAT to make you look as unappealing as she looks. I eat healthy, work out 3-4 times a week and have two beautiful children. I work hard for my beautiful, slim, toned body and I am proud of it. so take it all in baby....LOL

shanameow 7

I'm nineteen and a size 0. I'm also only 5'4". Just because a person is thin doesn't mean they're starving themselves. And to the OP: Congrats on reaching your goal size! I bet that your boyfriend thinks that you look so good that whatever size he bought you HAD to have been your size.

I used to be skinny enough that people called me anorexic, but then I got put on two separate medications that both have weight gain as a side effect. Gained about 10 pounds within a month of starting those (both at the same time). I've lost 5 of them since from paying more attention to what I eat and doing an hour of exercise daily, but still I *just barely* don't fit into my size 6 pants anymore (as in, I can put them on just fine but the zipper will only go 3/4 of the way up). I couldn't fit into a size 4 even when I was 110 pounds (I'm 5'6"). And at that point doctors were telling me I needed to gain at least 10 pounds and fast. So then if you need to be less than 110 pounds for a size 4, wouldn't size 0 need to be significantly less than 100 pounds? I don't know exactly how the sizes work with weights, but that doesn't sound all that healthy to me...

kayybby 1

actually for her age that's a perfectly acceptable size. I wear a size 4-6 and I'm 18. I eat healthy and regularly like a normal person. so you can stop with you're "kids these days" crap. it's all about you're body type and you're height that determines you're size, not you're age or if you eat enough.

@66 and 68- You guys are so right, it all depends on your build, your muscle structure, your exercise habits, etc. I am barely 5' tall and a size 8 in dresses because of my muscle from working out and genetics. I am certainly not fat, or even chubby, just built like a pin up and need the room to fit my **** and a$$. @75- Where do you shop at? I am a size 6 now at 130 pounds, and was in a 2 at 115. Like everyone else said, all brands' sizes run different, and bodies fit differently into each thing. @OP- Congrats girl, all that hard work paid off! Men truly are horrible at finding clothes for us, we have to try everything on to make sure it fits our own bodies just right. One size isn't the end of the world, a lot of places will even let you exchange straight across with no receipt if the tag is on it. I am sure your man understands, and it's a good thing he thinks you look a size smaller. Looking good, keep up the good work!

I'm just wondering how exactly the sizes work, because I don't buy new clothes often enough to pay much attention to it. I have a size 6 petite that's loose on me and a size 6 average that's barely too small. I'm pretty sure even when I weighed 96 lbs in 9th grade (was about 5'5" then) I couldn't fit into a size zero.

It's just the brands and the model, every batch will be a little different. If your jeans are different brands, then the sizes will run different. The styles and cuts make all the difference too. Ex: I have 2 pairs of jeans, same brand bought at the same time, one boot cut and one skinny- boot cuts are loose, skinny is big but fit tighter than the boot cuts, in part to the tighter thigh area I'm sure, but also around the waist and ass.

Ah, yeah. I don't shop at any one place in particular, I have pants from Walmart, Target, Beall's, JC Penney's, and H&M (went to one in Switzerland and don't know how a 29 there exactly translates, but it's barely too small for me now). I don't really have a good comparison to when I was younger because I only wore really loose pants until I got my first pair of jeans at 18. It could be my hips, I guess. Is 36.5 inches too big for hips? I don't seem to have any trouble with my pants until I get up to the hips...

Actually my hips are a 37. Everyone thinks I'm so tiny too. As long as they fit you and the rest of your body, no size is too big or too small, and dressing in a flattering manner definitely helps. My problem area is the thighs, my jeans are always too big in the waist and hips if they fit nice in the thighs. They're big when it comes to trying on clothes but they fit me since I have pretty good-sized **** and shoulders, I have an hourglass figure and it works. If you're 5'6" with 36.5" hips, then I think you're just fine and probably look a lot more elegant than I do.

Probably not his fault. Dress sizes are confusing and non-standardised. And with different body shapes it can be hard to match up 'weight' to size. Gz on reaching your goal. I'm sure you look great.

perdix 29

Looks like HIS goal weight for you is quite a bit less than the weight you chose. You can either starve yourself to meet his delusion of what the ideal woman looks like, or look for a new boyfriend. The smart money says get a new guy, but I predict you'll suffer to please him.

Feel good about it! You reach your goal that is something to be proud of. Your boyfriend made a mistake, big deal! Go to a mall and buy clothes that look Pretty on you:)

1121osu2110 0

oh god cry me a river. look atleast he bought u a damn dress, he was congratulating you. so it's a size too small. 5 pounds and you'll be in it. fy boyfriends life for having a gf like you.

WorkThatButt 2

I like big butts. Anywaaayyyss.. Your mad at..exactly what?..

aww it's not that bad. you reached your goal and it's just weight I suppose. not like you're missing a leg and he bought you jeans, right?

Thats not bad ,that actually means he actually belived that u would reach ur weight goal :)