By ckatia - 30/08/2016 09:29 - France - Paris

Today, my eyesight is getting terrible. I saw a white cat in front of my house, so I went up to it. To my delight it didn’t move, so I bent down to stroke it. Wrong call, it was a plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 765
You deserved it 2 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Own it like you're awesome and you know it. Take a sharpie and draw a cat's face on it, sit down on the ground and pet the kitty. Be sure to meow in reply to yourself for bonus points!

takeittoem 8

At least it wasn't a porcupine or a skunk....


Own it like you're awesome and you know it. Take a sharpie and draw a cat's face on it, sit down on the ground and pet the kitty. Be sure to meow in reply to yourself for bonus points!

Momperella 5

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I was already laughing, but that made me laugh even harder, #1! That would totally happen to me too. I forgot to wear my glasses to work today. I didn't see any plastic bag kitties tho.

nesteremily 31

I'd say it's time for glasses..or new ones if you already have them.

Better than walking up to a badger. An albino badger...

I did this same thing as a toddler. Ran right up to the sleeping cat on the steps...except it was an opossum. Just laid there and let me pet it's head until my gramps came outside yelling at me and scared it.

takeittoem 8

At least it wasn't a porcupine or a skunk....

kaitlyn520 13

Don't sweat it OP! Maybe just schedule an appointment for some glasses? You'll be as good as new(:

YDI for not having glasses. you stupid little bitch

I once freaked out because there was a bear in someones yard, they aren't common around here but sometimes you see one on someone's game camera or in something, so I'm freaking out cause there's a freaking bear, and it's a small bear, and we passed the house mom we have to go back. About that time my mom realized I need glasses because it was a stump, there never was a bear.

melana09 19

I think it's time to see the eye doctor