By I'm screwed - 27/01/2015 23:46 - United States - King Of Prussia

Today, after I got home from a long day at work. I go inside my room and find a life-size cut out of Miley Cyrus. I don't know how it got here. I'm the only person with a key to my apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 664
You deserved it 2 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there a huge gaping hole in your wall? If not then we can assume that she didn't come in like a wrecking ball.

That is definitely one of the more terrifying cutouts you could have found. I feel your pain/horror.


Uh oh. Time to interrogate your friends and family

iOceanus 18

Locks are an illusion of safety. They are easy to pick, so just about anyone can get in with a little knowhow--regardless of the locks being changed.

Mr_Guy_Dude 17

Locks are love. Locks are life.

That is definitely one of the more terrifying cutouts you could have found. I feel your pain/horror.

Agreed, I can think of only one cut out that would be more horrifying. A full size Beiber cutout...

Im sure it was friends or family with a cruel sense of humor! I wouldnt freak out too much!

Cruel sense of humour you say? It seems psycophatic to me. I mean who does that for jokes and giggles? OP is in need of help. Poor OP she must be terrified

Is there a huge gaping hole in your wall? If not then we can assume that she didn't come in like a wrecking ball.

No matter how far OP runs, they won't be able to hide from her. Because she can't stop. And she won't stop.

*slow clap* This is the best comment I've read on FML today... you win the internet <3

Strategically place a camera in your apartment so that if there's a next time, it'll be recorded? When you find out who it was, you can put an equally bad cutout in that person's home.

Can you even think of an equally bad cut out?

I can think of a WORSE cutout: Justin Beiber.

Magic Miley. It's the new remake of Magic Mike, except it's an actual documentary on Miley Cyrus. But it has a plot twist where she turns out to be a magician. She's great at disappearing acts, but she leaves her signature cut out of herself wherever she appears and disappears to and from. Congratulations, OP!

This is relevant! If it's after, pose it in funny places and have a few laughs!

Wait, there's an after? I thought she was still going through it

If it was before it would not be so bad.

TallMist 32

She's not THAT bad looking. She's not perfect, but she's decent at least... ...Well, except with her clothes.