By uncleaning - 22/07/2009 23:03 - United States

Today, after I cleaned out the fridge of things that expired months ago, my roommate got angry and insisted upon pulling all the moldy dairy products out of the garbage and putting them back because "they weren't mine and I shouldn't throw out other people's food." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 576
You deserved it 4 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

niemann2006 0

either make sure he eats them or blend them all up into a smoothie and don't tell him what it is until he's done drinking it:)

maybe your roommate has had a bad experience with this? Nevertheless, sounds a bit crazy...


dirtylittlewolf 0

one thing i learned is never assume anything, always ask.

xmeggbaabe 0

So let that bitch get food poisoning then.

YDI - where is your roommate that you can't say, "hey, throw out your garbage?" "Sell by" dates are store recommendations. They have shelf life beyond the store, otherwise they have to be taken off the store shelf in a reasonable amount of time. Granted, if it was "months" past, that's probably not cool, and milk is usually the exception (although my old roommate used to live with a guy who liked to drink bad milk, it was his personal preference) but things like unopened yogurt keep for a really long time beyond those dates.

NeatFreak719 0

What an ass, like anyone can eat it. They're obviously too lazy to throw it out themselves. Good work on cleaning out the fridge. =P

Ugh, I knew a girl who threw an absolute fit when I tossed her chunky milk out of the community fridge, even after fair warning that it was going to happen. People can be strange.

iloveblackshirt6 0

Thats just sick...your roommate has some problems.

I had the exact same problem in college a couple years back. he's just weird like that.

Let her. When she gets food poisoning, you can laugh.

Saving visibly spoiled food? Unless it's natto or bleu cheese or something else that looks rank when it's not, or if it's just out of date but not noticeably spoiled, you're within your rights. It's your fridge too!

lol best to just get your meals as you need them for now and let your roommate deal with the mold growing in the fridge. Sooner or later he'll learn that not all aged dairy is meant to be eaten.