By thissucks - 14/09/2009 01:00 - United States

Today, after finishing a three-page essay for my spanish class, I went to rip up my brainstorming paper in an act of triumph. After I finished ripping it up, I looked on my desk to see my brainstorming paper fully intact, and my essay torn into bits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 498
You deserved it 67 948

Same thing different taste

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Flamersplamer 0

Fake, 3 page essay vs a brainstorming paper by the non plural one page, there is no way you would be able to not notice you have three pages instead of one.


fake? Amirite? 3 pieces of paper is a bit hard to rip( no the first time, but after a bit), so... you shoulda realised AND, if it were to be true, I don't think you coulda manage to rip it up so then its completely illegible, just join the pieces >=3

what the hell did you do to make this mistake? finish your essay, set it down next to your brainstorming paper, blindfold yourself and spin around in your chair, then grab a paper and start ripping without taking the blindfold off?

Who doesn't type their papers?? Y[totally]DI.

Uh huh...wouldn't you have it saved on your computer anyway? You can just print off another one. And if you're stupid enough not to save your work, YDI big time.

You wanted to rip it up in triumph? What is the matter with you? You need to save up all your papers, and have a cathartic bonfire at the end of the school year. Jeez

a three page Spanish paper should of taken 2-3 hrs max. unless your a freshman taking ap Spanish literature with no previous Spanish.

doxierocker88 0

ydi for taking a long time on a 3 page paper.

perstephane 4

I don't know how old any of you are, but until I was actually in high school, NONE of my papers had to be typed. They just had to be cursive and in ink. And no, I'm not some dinosaur - I graduated hs in 2003.