Perfect timing...

By modprobs - 03/08/2018 01:30

Today, my boyfriend, who I haven't seen in months because we live in different countries, is coming to stay with me. I've been the picture of health for months, but today I woke up with my period, a terrible cold, and tooth pain from that root canal my dentist told me I didn't need a few years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 734
You deserved it 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Still probably feels better to be with him with all those problems than being alone?

commandpriority 5

So... anal. Every other hole has problems lol


cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it

There's a red river already flowing. And no bridge needed, just an old towel or three. ;)

commandpriority 5

So... anal. Every other hole has problems lol

Still probably feels better to be with him with all those problems than being alone?

Looks like you’re gonna get drilled in the immediate future. Cheers!

FishyFishy 12

I mean.... it could be worse! -_-

tounces7 27

I feel like one of those problems should have been at least somewhat predictable.

Not if OP was on a newish birth control. Or on Depo. That makes periods very weird sometimes.

Period is not predictable. Even on a 28 day, it can come days early or late. Mixed with unknown nervousness/prep of his arrival, the cold that had been sitting in her before symptoms arrived doesn't help. Plus, maybe the BF couldn't come any other time, and he's visiting on the days he was allowed time off/to visit. Human bodies are weird and work around their own schedule. We ain't robots!

I'd say root canal is predictable. It migth have been fine few years ago but things change. I'd be more sympathetic if she had said few months ago.

This sounds like a nightmareish rhyme. Twas the day my beau was due But I was joined by Aunt Flo and the flu Hoped I did to have fun with bae Til a dental drill spun in the way

Can I place a vote for this as the best comment of the week?

Damn, girl, your body went full-on **** you, didn't it?