
By Busted - 12/01/2010 21:05 - United States

Today, my friend and I doodled on a sheet of paper trashing our English teacher. Later, I went to English class, and my teacher asked for us to take out a sheet of loose sheet of paper and write an essay. It wasn't until I had written on the whole front and flipped to the back that I realized I was using the doodle sheet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 825
You deserved it 42 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to Karma OP. You slag someone off, you'll get your spritual arse bitten off :D YDI

Eraser or throw something at your teacher and jump out a window


Welcome to Karma OP. You slag someone off, you'll get your spritual arse bitten off :D YDI

Reyo 2

I hope to God you're in Middle school OP...

Eraser or throw something at your teacher and jump out a window

Bang and clear, while she's on the floor after being flashbanged you run like hell.

ddawg468 0

that's what u get for doing stuff like that lol

npk88 0

yeah, you won't be getting much sympathy for this. Sorry. YDI.

Pearljammer001 0

all I have to say is that English sucks ass

^ Attitudes like that are the reason why some people can't tell the difference between their, there and they're >.>

lol on last commet, pic says o got this-message I don't get it wow ok-yea eraser and scribbling and eraser again, also don't be stupid and keep it. stash it on someone else/burn/shredder/out of school trashcan

No sympathy. You always look at all sides of the paper that you are planning on using. That said, maybe you could just copy it to another piece of paper? most of the time spent is just thinking. also, first! (not really, but nobody else said it. )

sfsteve15 0

These are the idiots that teachers have to deal with.