By trippybmth - 23/12/2014 00:54 - United States

Today, after doing tons of research on a wand my little brother wanted for Christmas, I finally found one on eBay for $60. After already giving my credit card info and confirming the purchase, my dad called me and told me he found the exact same one for six bucks at a local toy store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 703
You deserved it 6 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

You should have checked Diagon Alley

You just broke a rule! You're not supposed to reveal the existence of magic to muggles. You're going to get yourself thrown into Azkaban.


If you were quick enough you may have been able to cancel the order as long as it hadn't been dispatched.

thats why you need to actually go out of the house. Ydi, good for your dad for getting out there rather than just going online. a little exercise is good for you.

And that's why some things you don't buy on eBay.

Axel5238 29

Ebay can be great, but ya gotta be careful. The collector toy market is huge and rarity and demand can make 1 version of a toy worth hundreds and an almost exact version almost nothing. Lots of sellers will mark up way beyond value due to popularity as well and price gouge as much as possible. Very nice of you OP to go out of your way to find your little brother the exact gift he wanted even at that expense.

Just cancel the order and go get the one for $6.

check the brand there not all the same. my wife collects the damn thing and there is a huge difference in quality for a good one around 50 to 60 is a good price. just do some research there alot of crap being sold for the same price and the quality

Just contact the seller and ask them to cancel the transaction. That soon after payment, there's a cancel request button

If canceling doesn't work then all you have to do is take your dads receipt and return it that way. Only bad part is that you only get $6 instead of $60