By BluBaller - 06/04/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, after about a month with no sex, my girlfriend told me to come up to her room and began kissing me passionately. She got me down to my underwear before informing me that she had Spanish homework left. To make things better, upon finishing up, she went straight to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 703
You deserved it 5 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BadPinkKitty07 0

Spain cockblocked you. hehe.

jamesSIII 0

You should have jizzed on her homework. Oh wait...


mochilato 0

maybe ur too young for that stuff??

llllehcar 0

Listen man, she's testing you. Girls want attention too, and you probably aren't giving her as much as she wants. Did you get her down into her underwear ? She was probably walking up the stairs thinking "If I get him in his underwear before he takes off my shirt, I'm doing homework and going to bed."

You pissed her off dude. She obviously did that on purpose just to frustrate you. However, this is also when you are supposed to grow a pair, spank her @$$, throw her on the bed, and take her in a manly fashion.

tdurden 0

it's your fault for not putting your dick in her mouth while she was asleep

rjensen511 0

you obviously need a new girlfriend or a new face if your gf would rather do homework instead of doing you! hahahaha

world_time_1212 0
insanelyXnikki 18
kawasakibre 0