By Naked and Afraid - 17/08/2018 23:00 - United States - New Braunfels

Today, my girlfriend's grandparents walked in on us getting intimate. She immediately ran to the bathroom, leaving me alone with them. They only speak Spanish, which is not my first language. We discussed the movie she and I were "watching", all while I was naked under the sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 224
You deserved it 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just say, “¡El movie es loco! ¡Jajajaja!” over and over until they get bored and leave.

your lucky they didn't try to smash that rat that was making a lump in the blanket


Just say, “¡El movie es loco! ¡Jajajaja!” over and over until they get bored and leave.

@J352SAURUS: If he displayed such a high skill in Spanish, the grandparents might have prompted him to discuss the movie further.

your lucky they didn't try to smash that rat that was making a lump in the blanket

Lol all this while your gf ran damn lol

Mathalamus 24

I think they knew full well what's going on and didn't make it awkward. Good on them.

Those are some chill grandparents. They've seen it all before.

Where were you when they interrupted playtime?

I have to assume that you and girlfriend are both young for this to have happened - Otherwise you would have your own place. While this was really awkward - It could have gone infinitely worse if a crazy Dad lost it over somebody having sex with his daughter under his own roof. Be glad girlfriend’s family was as open as they were to the situation. Children tend to think of the home they grew up in as “their home”. But in reality that home is provided by the parents and their parents have a right to set certain rules when their offspring are young and living at home. While Girlfriend’s room might feel comfortable to her - having sex there with parents, grandparents, or siblings around is not usually wise. You rarely know exactly how your girlfriend’s parents are going to react in these circumstances.

why were you having sex where the grandparents could catch you? ydi