By BluBaller - 06/04/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, after about a month with no sex, my girlfriend told me to come up to her room and began kissing me passionately. She got me down to my underwear before informing me that she had Spanish homework left. To make things better, upon finishing up, she went straight to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 703
You deserved it 5 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BadPinkKitty07 0

Spain cockblocked you. hehe.

jamesSIII 0

You should have jizzed on her homework. Oh wait...


Yo te puedo ayudar, pero me la tienes que chupar. Hehe, it kinda rhymes. I can help you, but you have to blow me.

sex is like a lot like air it's no big deal till ur not getting any :P


I know lol that's not even close pero pues

when i was with my ex, i would go without sex for at least 3 months! so i know how you feel.

Squeezeit 0

cockblocked by homework buhahahaha

well I know that at first with my boyfriend I used to be really sexual, but then suddenly I changed and I would want to do stuff with him and in the middle of it I would suddently not want to. I'm extremely attracted to my boyfriend it's just weird how I can be in the mood and then the next moment I won't be. he hates it but I've talked to him about it and he tries to understand. maybe she's bipolar or has some hormone inbalance. either way you should talk to her about it. it's better that way.

kayla_nicole1695 0

well, spanish is important. no sex until marriage anyways. so too bad.

Oh wow, i've done this exact thing to my bf before! And casually removed all of my clothes whilst he tuned me out, as he so often does by playing guitar, (when he realised and put his guitar away, i sat completely nude, looking at my nails, and told him i was busy. In spanish.) guuuurd times...

whatshernuts 0

but why? :| that's just manipulative and, well, to be honest, a **** move.

Not really; if you're being ignored anyways (and for a guitar? Really? An inanimate object vs. your GF?), it's not YOUR problem that he suddenly wants to play annd you don't. Plus, if getting naked is the only thing that can get him away from his precious myooooooo-siiiiic (must be said in Bjork voice) in order to interact with you, he doesn't deserve to be teased; he deserves castration. If a man can't pay some attention to the main lady in his life, he deserves no sex, no love, and no respect. Women often have a lower sex drive, especially as the relationship pogresses, but DUH!!!! If you don't show enough affection to pique her interest and show that she means something to you (*cough* other than a convenient lay *cough*) you're not gettin any, and good riddance.