By crazyhair docare - 08/07/2019 16:00

Today, after a lifetime of weaves and extensions, I felt brave enough to wear my natural hair to work. As soon as I clocked in, my manager yelled, “Holy shit! What happened to you? Stick your finger in a socket or something?” I was then sent home for being, “Out of uniform.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 503
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the freaking eff... The ONLY time a boss should have ANYTHING to say about ANYONE'S hair ever is if it's food service (or mechanics and long/loose hair can be a hazard) and you haven't got it covered up. Full stop.


Amanda G Rich 23

I've worked in a place that said no to big hair, but I always thought maybe it was because I'm white and it was a wig. But THATS YOUR ******* NATURAL HAIR! That's awful and I would go to HR

What the freaking eff... The ONLY time a boss should have ANYTHING to say about ANYONE'S hair ever is if it's food service (or mechanics and long/loose hair can be a hazard) and you haven't got it covered up. Full stop.

That is completely unacceptable. You should not be dissed for the way you were born. And you should not lose income because someone else is a bigotted asshole idiot. Take this to someone above the idiot. They should get you the pay for the missed shift, an apology from the jerk and an assurance you won't ever again be hassled over your natural appearance. I'm sure your hair is plenty cute by the way, and most people would agree. Wigs and weaves are uncomfortable & expensive, and nobody should be forced to use them unless they really want to! So I hope you don't lose the confidence to go natural because of this ugly incident. It was just one person. They don't speak for everyone else.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

ydi if you didn't make him aware thats your natural hair

She doesn't have to explain anything to the boss. Hair is hair.

It’s unfortunate but there’s not much you can do about it, the other people in these comments don’t know shit, just because it’s natural doesn’t make it professional

Except it’s discrimination to let one person have natural hair and not let another because it’s not “professional” (aka, a white person style).

Legislation is currently being passed, or is passed, that will close the loophole for hair discrimination. Employers can no long require eurocentric hair.

explain how the hair that NATURALLY grows out of a person's head is unprofessional? your comment is ignorantly racist at best.

if you are from California, there's a law against hair discrimination now

Well if your hair looked like you put your finger in a socket you probably too natural to mean “got it wet and left it” not that I actually know. Maybe you did actually put product in it, but as you said this is the first time you’ve gone without extensions is a weave you I’d say you looked homeless, get some product in that hair and get that twist and go, going

bobsanction 18

Set yourself up for that one.

Trinity Fenwick 7

sue her arrogant, stupid ass.