By Anonymous - 08/06/2017 12:06 - Australia

Today, I was walking down the train station steps, in no rush, as my train wasn't due to depart for another 10 minutes. I managed to trip down the last 5 steps and break my ankle. Oh, and I got to watch my train drive away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 537
You deserved it 348

Annalivliv tells us more.

So I tried to follow this up before but my comment wasn't posted properly. OP here. Turns out I broke my ankle in 3 different places and tore some ligaments. However, I figure it could be much worse. I'm just happy I could finally get something published. The banter in the comments isn't bad either.

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering why this FML says it has a follow up?

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Maybe you can take a trip next fall.


CrazyTrainWreck 19

Maybe you can take a trip next fall.

ihavealongname 0
CrazyTrainWreck 19

I'm a train engineer. In some countries they refer to the one who runs the train as train drivers, U.K. for example. It's a matter of local dialect, it's not wrong either way.

species4872 19

In Australia they are also known as train drivers, I see nothing wrong in what OP said as it still gets the intended meaning across.

Hi OP here, I'm Aussie (and a girl FML says I'm a bloke.) We've always referred to my uncle as a train driver so I figured "drive" would be a better verb than "I got to watch my train ride/roll/piss off home." No worries though, just hope you got a laugh at my expense. :)

If they don't drive, then what do they do?

Am I the only one wondering why this FML says it has a follow up?

Comment glitch was fixed but it looks like it's back. Until it's settled for sure, here's Annalivliv's follow up: "Hi OP here, I'm Aussie (and a girl FML says I'm a bloke.) We've always referred to my uncle as a train driver so I figured "drive" would be a better verb than "I got to watch my train ride/roll/piss off home." No worries though, just hope you got a laugh at my expense. :) "

Yeah my comment said it was successfully posted but then disappeared into the abyss, thanks Cali. :)

Must be a glitch; I'm on the app, and it actually does have a follow up.

species4872 19

"I got to watch my train ride/roll/piss off home. No worries though".....yep his one of us.

species4872 19

So you were there for 10 minutes /after/ breaking your ankle? "It looks like you broke your ankle! Here, let me help you u—" "Stop, just let me watch my train depart first!"

See Tripartita, you get rid of your picture and go quiet and now everyone just thinks you're some random commentor and forgets that you're always joking.

So I tried to follow this up before but my comment wasn't posted properly. OP here. Turns out I broke my ankle in 3 different places and tore some ligaments. However, I figure it could be much worse. I'm just happy I could finally get something published. The banter in the comments isn't bad either.