By Z - 03/07/2010 19:26 - United States

Today, after a large, dramatic fight with my girlfriend in a parking lot, we stopped arguing altogether and hugged, dropping the issue. Twenty seconds later, I accidentally slammed her hand in the car door, breaking two of her fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 504
You deserved it 65

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1
perdix 29

You win! You did the old Muhammad Ali "rope-a-dope" by pretending to drop the issue, and just when she thought the fight was over, BAM! You score the knock-out by car door. Great strategy.


In the ER? Hmmmm.... after my door gunner gets done with you.

green_eyes124 0

haha that's hilarious! poor girl, hope she's ok!

milygo 0

Oh hahaha, you broke bones in your girlfriend's hand. She's probably in pain and a cast and may even need surgery. Doesn't that just suck for you? Bullsh*t! This isn't a fml, this is a fhl for having you as a boyfriend and a busted hand. Why don't you "accidentally" slam your own hand in the car door to see how it feels?

Jdog619 11

For the love of God, it was an accident! And I would say they have a pretty good relationship if they can hug it out after a long fight. Many couples just stay angry. The reason it's an FML is because, along with the fact that it is never good to slam your girlfriend's hand in a car door, it may seem like he did it for revenge. Stop being so an insensitive and judgemental. It makes you come across as a prick.

today, I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend in the parking lot. it looked like I got my way because he apologized and we then hugged. he even opened my door for me. he then proceeded to slam my fingers in said door and broke them. guess he was sill mad. FML

I feel bad for your soon to be ex girlfriend.

awhsum 0