By Z - 03/07/2010 19:26 - United States

Today, after a large, dramatic fight with my girlfriend in a parking lot, we stopped arguing altogether and hugged, dropping the issue. Twenty seconds later, I accidentally slammed her hand in the car door, breaking two of her fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 504
You deserved it 65

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1
perdix 29

You win! You did the old Muhammad Ali "rope-a-dope" by pretending to drop the issue, and just when she thought the fight was over, BAM! You score the knock-out by car door. Great strategy.


she shouldve made your make up sandwich fast enough =P

Finish her! Op wins! flawless victory!

rent_hearts_love 0

ooh that sucks dude. One question: Did she break up with you?

probably not...girls always go back to the guy who beats her. Those kind of girls are stupid..

rallets 22
melbaby8 0

haha irony! the opposite of wrinkley!!! get it?! :D

rallets 22

You broke your girlfriend's fingers and you're feeling sorry for yourself?

People are so inconsiderate nowadays.

melbaby8 0

well sorrrrrrrry. I thought it was funny but I guess not.