By Stupid - 22/04/2013 06:58 - United States - Post Falls

Today, after a few weeks of my friends pestering me to spend time with a mutual friend, I realized we had a lot in common. We both love shoes, peanut butter, and it appears that my boyfriend of three years is her boyfriend of four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 097
You deserved it 5 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It took you three years to find out? Unfortunate, but you probably should have found out a little sooner.

I just don't understand how you never found out in 3 years, specially when you have mutual friends, girls gossip

The mutual friends may have decided these two girls would only believe the ugly truth about their guy if they heard it from each other. It seems to have worked.

He's either slick, or you girls are pretty gullible, or both... Smdh

At least you guys can be even closer friends if you get back at him together...

He's either slick, or you girls are pretty gullible, or both... Smdh

unixdude 9

He's a keeper. Anyone who can lead on two clueless gashes like you and this new friend of yours must have the patients of Mother Theresa and balls of plutonium. Men with this level of commitment are rare. You two are very lucky to have him in your lives.

All I can think is... HOW THE **** DO YOU DATE SOMEONE FOR THREE YEARS AND NOT NOTICE HE'S CHEATING?! There's usual some pretty suspicious behavior.