By dsbass09 - 09/07/2011 05:59 - United States

Today, after 8 years in exceptionally difficult veterinarian classes which put me $200,000 in debt, and 7 months of job searching, I finally got a job. I will be inspecting feces for worms while making minimum wage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 874
You deserved it 5 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

welcome to the united states, the land of joblessness, poverty and debt...


CoriCat 25

Unless you're a doctor that is where you will start. You've gotta work your way up.

They should make a button that says "I agree, The United States sucks" Just for things like these.

Try your best. Don't give up. You'll be a professional veterinarian someday very soon if you work hard.

where I live vets are in high demand. either you're not looking very hard or you sucked in school.

there are veterinarians needed all over. i dont understand why you can't get a job.