
By Adil Ilahi - 05/06/2017 15:00 - United Kingdom - Keighley

Today, my friends yet again told me to hop on Tinder and other dating sites, saying how easy it is to match up, and I keep telling them I will soon. In reality, I've been on them for weeks, without a match. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 862
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

becca9985 34

You could pick out your most trustworthy friend and have them review your profile and see if there is anything that could be turning off prospective matches.

lukcy_basartd 11

**** those sights, reality outside the internet is how you meet someone. Go hit a bar or a bookstore, coffeeshop etc. Compliment someone on the street, and see where it goes. No offense to your efforts but technology is dumbing us down to do things a specific way and dating online has worked for people but what happened to having some backbone, approaching a woman and paying her a sincere compliment and asking her out? Anyways, goodluck in your quest.


becca9985 34

You could pick out your most trustworthy friend and have them review your profile and see if there is anything that could be turning off prospective matches.

Good tip... Could be phrasing or something odd in a photo that you just didn't notice. A new set of eyes might help!

Same here. Been over 6 months and nothing. I've had multiple female friends look at it and they say it looks fine. I guess the women on those sites DONT want a guy with a good job and his ducks in a row. Haha.

lukcy_basartd 11

**** those sights, reality outside the internet is how you meet someone. Go hit a bar or a bookstore, coffeeshop etc. Compliment someone on the street, and see where it goes. No offense to your efforts but technology is dumbing us down to do things a specific way and dating online has worked for people but what happened to having some backbone, approaching a woman and paying her a sincere compliment and asking her out? Anyways, goodluck in your quest.

Don't go on those dating sites, it's a recipe for some bad experiences

At least you don't have a cheater and a liar in your life.