Superanty Man

By Anonymous - 02/03/2020 03:30

Today, I met my father-in-law for the first time. He went on a big rant how men are superior intellects and women contribute nothing to society. Ironic, as it took me, a woman, 30 seconds to notice it's biologically impossible for him to be my husband's father. After 33 years, both he and my husband haven't figured it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 737
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how did you not meet your father in law before? not even at your wedding? weird.

Genetics can be very complicated. "Although it is uncommon, parents with blue eyes can have children with brown eyes. The inheritance of eye color is more complex than originally suspected because multiple genes are involved." Still it's worth wondering.


my_way_1213 12

Genetics can be very complicated. "Although it is uncommon, parents with blue eyes can have children with brown eyes. The inheritance of eye color is more complex than originally suspected because multiple genes are involved." Still it's worth wondering.

it is nearly impossible for blue eyed people to create a brown eyed child there has to be a break in the gene of each parent it’s a one in a million. unless one parent has brown eyes with a blue hue. in which case they have can have a brown eyed child.

In other words it IS possible to happen.

Redgy22 26

Did I miss the part about eye color? Where did it say HOW she figured it out? Just curious...

Could have been cleft chin. Rare to have both parents not have it with child having it (since it's a dominant trait).

Don't reproduce with that one. He's a moron and his step dad is one. You don't want your kid to be genetically handicapped and have an idiot grandpa.

how did you not meet your father in law before? not even at your wedding? weird.

ojoRojo 27

It’s possible, if they’re not close. I’ve never met my husband’s biological father, and we’ve been together for 12.5 years. (Though I don’t think I ever will, and I’m glad about that.)

Retsilla 5

It's possible they aren't married yet, I called my wife's parents my in-laws even before we were married

Never met my father in law and my husband and I have known each other since 2003. He's out of state and not on good terms with my husband. Who knows why they didn't meet before they got married or at the wedding.

Yeah, women contribute nothing to society except to society itself via the contribution of offspring from which your FIL would otherwise not exist....

I'm curious as to how you came to that conclusion.

Ok—so maybe some info is missing. Like about his mother. If you know the appearance of your husband’s mother, then you could make assumptions. For example if both were blond and your husband has brown hair—that would be a problem.

samomaha 17

You either have a degree in genetics, and performed a genetic test, or you are wrong.

Family ties can be complicated. I was with my ex for nine years. Six years after the breakup, were still friends. He'd been estranged from his sister during our entire relationship. I did not meet her until their mother's passing, which was two years ago. It is totally possible that OP's husband and his father were similarly estranged.