By Hello Nurse - 24/09/2012 04:32 - United States - El Macero

Today, a very attractive man asked me out. I'd have been flattered if I weren't the nurse assigned to his laboring wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 374
You deserved it 1 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call him out on it later, that's disrespectful :/

the_anti_hipster 7

Ouch. Look on the bright can say no and be rid of him. His wife, on the other hand...not so lucky.


Girls giving birth, shitty dads, and drama. Were you on the setting of 16 and pregnant?

Damn it, it's because of jackass like this, women tend to think all men are like that. The reason I can't get laid haha :(

Or maybe the reason you can't get laid is because your objective is to get laid?

You kinda remind me of the guy who sang the song "let me smang it" I forgot his name though hahaha.

fat_snooki_lol 6

I'd say there are other reasons why you aren't getting laid.

Lemme smang it, girl! Lemme smash it and bang it! Good god that song sucks...but gets stuck in my head like none other

Go out with him. His wife is obviously out of commission for a while.

You're a dick. I hope you don't have have kids in the future. If your wife is in labor, you are supposed to take care of her as she wouldn't be very mobile(I think) not to mention that constitutes as cheating.

Your a ******* twat. It's no wonder why 90% of women are lesbians. Jackass

90% of women are lesbians? What? Where did you get that statistic?

Support command? Really? It's sounds like your intelligence is more along the lines of military intelligence.

71- thank you. It seems that most people here on FML take everything people say WAY too seriously.

69- my name has no space thank you. And nothing to do with military.

Too late for him to prepare for the pregnancy.

flutter4 7

Poor kid is going to have a shitty dad